zaterdag 27 april 2024

Pierre Klossowski (EN)

It was Ludwig Wittgenstein's birthday!
Of course I was at his birthday party.

I have to admit, it was quite a boring affair at first.
But as soon as we exchanged the cake for a bottle of wine, there was a very relaxed atmosphere.
"Ludwig", I said, "Next year we might have to invite more people."
"Huh?", Ludwig asked, "how are we going to organize that?".
That was indeed the most pertinent question I had pondered over the last few months. Imagine if George or Bertrand showed up. Fun gone!
There we were, just the two of us. The silence actually became a bit awkward.
"And there must be music too", said Ludwig, " a little music always does wonders."
Ludwig stood up and opened his spotify list on his laptop (it must be said, the man is keeping up with the times.)

“How small a thought it takes to fill a whole life", echoed from the speakers.
"That's it Ludwig", I exclaimed triumphantly.
"Huh?", Ludwig asked.
"Welch ein kleiner Gedanke doch ein ganzes Leben füllen kann", I replied.
"Huh?", Ludwig asked.
"They need a password to get in Ludwig", I said.
And in my enthusiasm my imagination went a bit wild.
"We make a large castle gate at the entrance. When someone knocks, we open the little hatch and ask 'what little thought can fill an entire life?' "
"And what should they answer then?", Ludwig asked.
Ludwig has always been the most sober one of the two of us.
"Do you have another bottle?", I asked.
"Don't change the subject", Ludwig said a little annoyed.
Sometimes he can really be a pain in the ass.
"Imagine Pierre Klossowski stood at the door", Ludwig said.
He knew that I had quite a difficult relationship with Pierre. I was not a fan of his paintings and I never got past the first lines of his book on Nietzsche.
"What would he answer?", I asked against my better judgement. I knew what was coming at me.
"I compare things with nothing in common. I decide. I am the only link", Ludwig quoted Pierre.

"Fuck off", I said, "he's not getting in. We decide."

some clues:

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