vrijdag 26 januari 2024

De maniac


Ik las "De maniac" van Benjamin Labatut.

Een boek dat inspireert tot schrijven.
Dat is natuurlijk een aanbeveling van formaat.

Het onderwerp "kunstmatige intelligentie" is razend spannend en het roept heel wat vragen op.
Het strafste van al, al weet ik niet of dat ook zo bedoeld is, er zitten ook antwoorden in het boek.
(Spoiler alert: misschien moet u het boek eerst zelf lezen.)

Over Deepmind en zijn opvolgers:
"Het vastgestelde doel was 'het vraagstuk van algemene kunstmatige intelligentie op te lossen, en die vervolgens gebruiken om alle andere problemen op te lossen."
"Ze zouden beginnen met een spel"
"Bij al die spellen nam het geen enkele menselijke ervaring in beschouwing: het kreeg simpelweg de spelregels en mocht tegen zichzelf spelen."

De vraag die u moet beantwoorden:
Zijn er regels in het leven?


Of, om het in computertaal uit te leggen:
De vraag is of er in het leven ja/nee vragen zijn?
Meestal luidt het antwoord soms.

vrijdag 19 januari 2024

G.E. Moore




When Wittgenstein submitted an essay for his BA degree at Cambridge, he did not include a preface and notes indicating the sources that he had used. When asked to supply these, he wrote this letter to G.E. Moore. (Wittgenstein in Cambridge: Letters and Documents 1911-1951, 76.)

Overwogen om een tekst in te sturen.
Helaas, mijn essays zijn doorgaans korter dan de richtlijnen waaraan ze zouden moeten beantwoorden.


Instructions for Authors

Submissions to this year’s Symposium should be uploaded at this address (you will find further instructions there): https://www.alws.at/iws/


Papers should be submitted by March 1st, 2024.

Languages & Copyright

Papers can be written in German or English. They should not be submitted elsewhere. Copyright remains with the author; the ALWS is granted the right of use. The ALWS holds the right to publish or re-publish accepted papers including the authors’ contact information, except in case of express revocation by the author.

Word Count

The main text of the paper (without title, summary and references) should have 1750-3000 words.

The summary should have 150–250 words.

Format of Your Submission

Surname, name(s), place and country, author’s email-address
Main text


– Please do not use footnotes or endnotes;
– For automatic enumeration and bullet points, please exclusively use the functions provided by our online tool;
– For simple logical notation, you may copy the symbols from an online tool such as math.typeit.org or editor.codecogs.com. Note that copying such notation straight from your text processing program might result in errors; alternatively, you may upload formulas as images (see ‘illustrations’ below).
– Italics should be used for book titles and names of journals. Phrases in other languages should also be set in italics (e.g. a fortioriavant la lettre …; but not: a priori, a posteriori, modus ponens, modus tollens).


Do not use non-breaking hyphens or spaces. Typesetting will be done by the editors.
Quotations should appear in double quotation marks; quotations in quotations in single quotation marks.
Hyphens (-) are only to be used in compound words.


Illustrations should be submitted in a familiar file format (jpeg, gif or png).


Not more than one-level section headings should be used. Example:
2. Aristotle’s Theory of the Modal Syllogism
Not: 2.1 …


A bibliographical list of all, and only, cited references should be placed at the end of the paper under the heading “Bibliography”. Entries to the list appear in alphabetical order corresponding to the following format: Surname, Name (Year of Publication), etc., exactly according to the following style:

Bunge, Mario (1967) Scientific Research I: The Search for System, Berlin: Springer.
Bunge, Mario (1967a) Scientific Research II: The Search for Truth, Berlin: Springer.
Dretske, Fred; Snyder, Aaron (1972) “Causal Irregularity”, Philosophy of Science 39, 69-71.
Harding, Sandra G. (ed.) (1976) Can Theories Be Refuted? Dordrecht: Reidel.
Linke, Angelika; Nussbaumer, Markus; Portmann, Paul (2004) Studienbuch Linguistik, 5th. expanded edition. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Böhler, Axel (1998) “Vier Vorurteile über Hermeneutik – Eine Polemik”, in: Bernulf Kanitscheider and Franz Josef Wetz (eds.) Hermeneutik und Naturalismus, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 83-97.
Titiev, Robert J. (1969) Some Model-Theoretic Results in Measurement Theory (Technical Report 146, Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences), Stanford: Stanford University Press.

References should appear in the text (not as footnotes) according to the format: (Bunge 1967a: 23)

Wittgenstein’s texts and manuscripts should be quoted preferably by using the following citation keys from the Wittgenstein-Bibliography by Pichler, Biggs and Szeltner: Bibliographie – 2019-11-26

Quotations from Wittgenstein’s works are indicated by citation keys with the number of the remark or page. Please put quotations within the running text in round brackets.

Reference to Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations:
[Citation Key Year of Publication]: [§-number of the remark, or page number for part 2]
Example: (PI 2009: §30)

Reference to Wittgenstein’s manuscripts and typescripts:
MS [number]: [page]
Example: (MS 117: 264)

Authors will not receive any proofs. No corrections can be made after submission.
Contributions in poor English (respectively: poor German) or with serious formal or technical flaws will be refused.

maandag 8 januari 2024

De zelfvoldane


Het verschil tussen de hoeder van de moraal en de hoeder van de vrijheid is dat de ene witte schapen verkiest en de andere zwarte schapen.


Eduard Von Grützner, the keeper of the cellar.

maandag 1 januari 2024

De pasgeborene



Ik staar maar wat
naar een leeg blad
vandaag mag dat
nog tijd zat.