zaterdag 16 februari 2013

Eugen Dühring

zegt de heer Dühring en verder zegt hij:
‘Wat is de Engels sprekende wereld met haar kinderachtig taalmengelmoes tegenover onze oorspronkelijke taalvorming?’
Waarop we slechts met Spinoza kunnen antwoorden: Ignorantia non est argumentum: onwetendheid is geen argument. [64]
hoofdstuk XI moraal en recht.

We must not omit to notice that the followers of this doctrine, anxious to display their talent in assigning final causes, have imported a new method of argument in proof of their theory—namely, a reduction, not to the impossible, but to ignorance; thus showing that they have no other method of exhibiting their doctrine.

Nec hic praetereundum est, quod huius doctrinae sectatores, qui in assignandis rerum finibus suum ingenium ostentare voluerunt, ad hanc suam doctrinam probandam novum attulerunt modum argumentandi, reducendo scilicet non ad impossibile, sed ad ignorantiam; quod ostendit nullum aliud fuisse huic doctrinae argumentandi medium.

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