zondag 20 oktober 2019

Eva Berghmans

Essay Het individu als houvast in godloze tijden

Minder ‘ikkigheid’? We hebben net méér ik nodig

In zijn nieuwe boek neemt Dirk De Wachter de rol van pastoor op zich. Hij lacht er een beetje mee, maar vindt het nodig in deze tijden van eenzaamheid en burn-out. Nick Cave geeft op zijn website raad aan fans die de weg kwijt zijn. Is dat nu echt wat wij, bevrijde individuen, nodig hebben? Iemand die ons zegt hoe het leven te leiden?

Zelf worstel ik al maanden met een essay dat ik wil schrijven.
Over de paradox.
Over hoe het paradoxale schromelijk over het hoofd gezien wordt.
Ik vrees dat ik de deadline niet ga halen.
Te veel afleiding.

The Philosophy Essay Prize

Each year the Royal Institute holds an essay prize competition. The winner will receive £2,500 and their essay will be published in Philosophy
The new editors of Philosophy have extended the submission deadline to 1st November 2019.
Entries will be considered by a committee, and the winner announced by the end of 2019.  The winning entry will be published in Philosophy in April 2020.

2019 Topic: The Significance of Paradoxes

Philosophers of logic and language and metaphysicians of substance, space and time have long been interested in paradoxes but so to a lesser degree have philosophers of mind and moral philosophers, eg in relation to self-deception, weakness of will and moral dilemmas. Essays are invited on the philosophical use of paradox. Authors may consider the implications of seeming or real paradoxes in specific areas of philosophy, where the paradoxes in question may be strictly logical or more informal, or they may examine the general significance of paradox for accounts of thought and of reality.
In assessing entries priority will be given to originality, clarity of expression, breadth of interest, and potential for advancing discussion. All entries will be deemed to be submissions to Philosophy and more than one may be published. In exceptional circumstances the prize may be awarded jointly in which case the financial component will be divided, but the aim is to select a single prize-winner.
Entries should be prepared in line with standard Philosophy guidelines for submission. They should be submitted electronically in Word, with PRIZE ESSAY in the subject heading, to assistant [at] royalinstitutephilosophy [dot] org.
Instructions for contributors can be found here. (Please note Prize Essay submissions should be sent to the email address above and not through the ScholarOne system). 

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